I am honored and also excited to learn more about your goals and areas you are seeking professional support.
The Daring Way consultations for those seeking to complete their consultation hours for their The Daring Way Certified Facilitator credential or get further support with their The Daring Way and/or Rising Strong personal and professional practices.
EMDR Consultations for those seeking to wish to enhance their existing EMDR practice while integrating this powerful framework with the core principles of Internal Family Systems.
Internal Family Systems Consultations are for individuals and groups looking to deepen their understanding of the Internal Family Systems.
Eating Disorder Consultation groups and individual consultations for those seeking their Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) certification through iaedp™ or just seeking consultation on eating disorder related cases.
Building a Business Coaching + Consultations are for those who are drawn to the business model Rebecca has developed through her experience building Potentia and are seeking feedback, insight, practical tools, and resources to help take the guessing game out of taking a business dream to action.
Mentoring consultations offer a present-oriented series of consultations where consultees work with Rebecca on short term goals.
I am honored and also excited to learn more about your goals and areas you are seeking professional support. When completing your consultation inquiry form, please make sure to check which type of consultation you are seeking and also make sure to complete all the questions in order for your consultation request to be accepted. If you have any problems with this inquiry form, please email info@potentiatherapy.com and you will receive a follow-up email soon.
What are the best days and times for you to meet for consultations?
How do you see this consultation work supporting you and your business?
Why are you seeking consultations at this time?
What is the most pressing issue or area of focus that is a priority for you in our work together?
Share a little bit about your work, your goals, and how you see these consultations with Rebecca supporting these goals.
Email Address
Your Name